Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Chosen One...You Are.....hah....

how jedi are you?
:: by lawrie malen

I've finished my internship in DELTA ! I am very proud of it! Check out the website!!
This weekend it's been wild, no clubs but a lot of good party. Yesterday I was in North Beach, while everybody was partying the St. Patrick's Day! Crazy dude!

Hella hot girls EVERYWHERE !! Woow. I got so horny... eheh, nevermind. ;) Anyway it was a really good time, with Eriko, Rafael and Sal ! We had indian food, bowling, and top class cocktails!! That rockd!

Now I've new Italian friends too which we have a lot of fun together! Finally I can walk on the road and speak Italian with somebody (yeah! Because before I used to speak Italian by myself..)
I'm sorry for all my Japanese and Korean friends that don't understand!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm in SF. Just arrived from Rome. I'm going to enroll at Intrax Institute and maybe to ask for an internship. How was your experience? Do you think is a good school?