Monday, February 26, 2007

I have the answer, now what's the question?

This is what I'm asking myself lately.. What's the right Question to the correct Answer?
Well, I hope all of you know that, obviously, the Answer is 42! And that the correct Question isn't a mathematic formula but the essence of Life, Universe and Everything.

..Detto Questo..

Anyhow I'm stuck in the bed now.. sick.. :-( That's because I've got cold and rain in those days and since Saturday I'm having "fun" in my bed...
This is a bad health issue for me but a good time for my music lovers cause I have time to dedicate to it!

Actually I entered another music code, this code is the Warthog Tribe (La tribù del facocero) and I guess not many of you can understand the truth about it; yeah, it's a bit confusing to me too. Only Plano and other freaks that were at the Mountanarchy last year can understand the real essence of it.

Anyway my new "best" track (not better than FDM anyway) is "La Danza Del Facocero" (trad. The Warthog Dance) and will be followed by "Il bastone del podér" (trad. The Stick Of Power). This tracks will be released soon on the mp3 player on this blog and probably I will add one of them on myspace too.

After this I will have some hard work and set up a new liveset, cause Chromanova radio doesn't accept tracks anymore but only full length mixes. So be sure you will tune in soon! :-)

In the other and I have a new project with my new German friend, , and with him I will release new amazing soundscapes! This will be a very good cooperation!

PS. I am working to set up a couple of changes on Sunday Hippie and finally release it!! The new version really sound amazing and I've get a custom to it, People of the 4th generation is on it's wayyyyy!

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